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Jeremy Lee (March 2024)

San Francisco Democratic County Central Committee AD 17

Jeremy Lee is a 3rd generation San Franciscan with deep roots in the Chinese community. He was born at SF Children’s Hospital and was raised in a union household by two working-class parents. Jeremy has spent the past 6 years at Chinatown Community Development Center, dedicating his professional career to serving low-income communities. In his role as Asset Manager, Jeremy oversees a portfolio of over 1400 units of affordable housing in San Francisco. Every day he witnesses first-hand the challenges faced by SRO families, seniors, immigrants, and formerly unhoused individuals as they struggle to stay in the communities they have built.

Most recently, Jeremy served on the city’s Redistricting Taskforce, the 9-member body responsible for redrawing local district lines. He used his position to elevate the needs of marginalized communities, to advocate for more affordable housing for Chinatown residents, and to bring attention to a redistricting process that fractured neighborhoods in favor of political gerrymandering.

Jeremy is running for a seat on the San Francisco Democratic Central Committee, AD17.  He will be a fierce voice for immigrants, LGBTQ people, and working families. If elected, Jeremy will uplift the needs of underserved communities, speak truth to power, and call out do-nothing policies that put quick wins and political clout over real solutions.

As a current resident of District 6, Jeremy has lived in the Mid-Market neighborhoods for over 6 years.

Lost with 3.42%

Prop E is likely to pass

March 07, 2024
Although there are about 98,500 uncounted ballots, it looks like Prop E will pass by majority vote of the approximately 46% San Francisco vo…

Judge Patrick Thompson (March 2024)

San Francisco Superior Court
Right-wing forces in and outside our city are looking to weaponize our city’s problem to push their political agenda of more police, more gentrificati…

Judge Michael Isaku Begert (March 2024)

San Francisco Superior Court
Right-wing forces in and outside our city are looking to weaponize our city’s problem to push their political agenda of more police, more gentrificati…

PROP A: Create a $300 million affordable housing bond (March 2024)

Proposition A would allow San Francisco to authorize $300 million in bonds to construct, develop, acquire, and/or rehabilitate housing, including work…

PROP B: Increase minimum of SFPD staffing (March 2024)

Proposition B would require the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) to have a minimum number of staff, create a fund for police recruitment, allow…