November 8th, 2022 Midterm Election

Our Statement on the Results of the November 8th, 2022 Midterm Election

July 27, 2024
SF Rising Action Fund is grateful and thrilled to see that there have been many progressive victories across the country in the November Midterm Elect…

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Download our voter guides in English, Spanish, Chinese, or Tagalog!

July 27, 2024
Wondering which candidates and ballot measures to support to build the political power of working-class communities of color this November? We’v…

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Vote Yes

PROP A: Adjust Retiree Supplemental Cost of Living (November 2022)

San Francisco Local Measure
Costs are rising and San Francisco has always been expensive. Prop A allows city employees who retired before November 6, 1996, to receive a supplemen…

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No Position

PROP B: Eliminates the Department of Sanitation and Streets and transfer its duties back to the Department of Public Works (November 2022)

San Francisco Local Measure
Prop B eliminates the Department of Sanitation and Streets and transfers its duties to the Department of Public Works and retains the Public Works Com…

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Vote Yes

PROP C: Create a Homelessness Oversight Commission (November 2022)

San Francisco Local Measure
Prop C creates a Homelessness Oversight Commission to oversee the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing and require the City controller to…

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