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Vick Chung (March 2024)

Lost with 3.08%
Vick uses “they, them, their” pronouns, and they are the first, openly non-binary, gender-queer person to hold an elected office in the history of San…

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Gloria Berry (March 2024)

Lost with 2.92%
Born and raised in San Francisco, CA. Gloria is a Veteran with thirteen years of service which included twelve years in technology and three years of…

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Patrick Bell (March 2024)

Lost with 2.75%
Patrick Bell is a 2nd generation San Franciscan raised in the Twin Peaks neighborhood. Heattended San Francisco public schools through 8th grade and S…

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John Avalos (March 2024)

Lost with 3.88%
John Avalos is a social worker and a 30-year veteran of community and labor organizing in San Francisco and the Bay Area.  He served two terms on the…

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Our 2024 early endorsements are here

November 27, 2023
SF Rising Action Fund is thrilled to announce our early endorsements for 4 candidates who will be on the ballot in 2024. For the March 5th Presidentia…

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Barbara Lee (March 2024)

Lost with 9.8%
As a member of the California Working Families Party, SF Rising Action Fund is proud to endorse Barbara Lee. Congresswoman Lee is a lifelong organizer…

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